為什麼我使用French Wise輕食風奶油球???
因為French Wise輕食風奶油球採最優雅的方式,讓人適量飲食,並連續榮獲法國與英國銷售及評選第一名,來自歐洲德國製造!風行全球39國以上!
French Wise輕食風奶油球 FAQ
1. French Wise的成分?.
棕櫚油26%.燕麥油2%.水72%(含有半乳糖脂質; 介面活性成分),它是國際專利成分FABULESS所製成。
2. French Wise如何發揮作用呢?
French Wise有別於其他商品有副作用,French Wise能讓人適量飲食,自然而然地少吃一點,成份純天然、無負擔,根據原廠DSM(FABULESS專利擁有者)實驗證實,使用者的下一餐,平均可以減少12.5~29%的熱量攝取。
3. French Wise食用方法?
建議每天1-3顆,於三餐飯後食用1杯,建議直接飲用。建議正常食用早餐,並於餐後馬上食用French Wise 1顆,四小時後可讓午餐自然LESS!反之,選擇午餐後喝,可讓你晚餐LESS!若要宵夜LESS,就選擇晚餐後喝一杯!
4. 奶粉中含棕櫚油不是不好的嗎?French Wise也含棕櫚油?
5. 長期服用French Wise有沒有副作用?
6. FrenchWise可加入熱飲嗎?
7. French Wise的保存方式?
8. 吃French Wise有什麼要注意的嗎?
9. French Wise的優點?
10. 請問什麼人適合吃French Wise?
11. 請問孕婦可以食用French Wise嗎?
原則上French Wise純天然,使用對象廣大,但是一般來說,仍不建議孕婦食用French Wise做飲食管理!營養師強調:孕婦請勿減重!
12.請問哺乳中可以食用French Wise嗎?
原則上French Wise純天然,使用對象廣大,但是一般來說,不鼓勵哺乳婦減肥,因為哺乳婦要能攝取供應製造足夠乳汁的營養素和熱量,食物的攝取會影響乳汁的分泌與品質,所以應注重均衡營養,不建議哺乳期間刻意減肥。
13.請問準備懷孕可以食用French Wise嗎?
原則上French Wise純天然,使用對象廣大,但是一般來說,不鼓勵準備懷孕的女性朋友減肥,以免影響胎兒發育上欠缺某些營養素或是產生過剩現象,不利優生。
If a person does not look obviously overweight, ask the following:
Have you done a Body Mass Index (BMI) check before?
If not, please check it first and compare with BMI scale for men or women.
BMI = (Height)2 (m2) / weight (Kg)
If the person is obviously overweight, ask these questions straight away:
1. Do you believe in managing your weight through:
ÿ exercise?
ÿ controlling your diet? à next question
2. When controlling your diet, is hunger often a cause of failing to stick to the diet?
ÿ No
ÿ Yes -- allow me to introduce FrenchWise, an all natural product from Europe containing vegetable oil and water (in chocolate flavour). FrenchWise can slow down the digestion process and thus helps to maintain the ‘satisfied’ feeling, thus helping to reduce hunger. Without hunger, it will be easier for you to avoid snacking or overeating. Its effect has been proven in human studies.
3. Have you tried losing weight, only to find you keep gaining back the weight?
ÿ No
ÿ Yes – Human studies have shown that taking 1 cup of FrenchWise in the morning and another one in the afternoon helps those who have lost weight to maintain it for longer, including the waistline.
4. When do you think you eat too much or unnecessary?
____ - 4hours = _______(taking FrenchWise time). FrenchWise does not work immediately but 3-4 hours after taking it, you should be able to feel less or no hunger. So, you will actually know whether FrenchWise is working on you!
FrenchWise can be taken daily if that helps you but you can also take it only when you need it. If you can control your food intake during normal days but tend to eat too much over the weekend (e.g. due to parties and going to restaurants with friends), you can reserve FrenchWise for your weekend occasions.
What kind of diet should I take with FrenchWise?
Controlling your diet does not mean giving up your favourite food. You can still eat all your favourite food but controlling the amount you take. By taking FrenchWise, you will not have to suffer from hunger again even when you are eating less than normal. (attach picture of cake)
How much would I lose by taking FrenchWise?
There is no magic pill for long term weight management. Without doing physical activity and controlling your diet, any weight loss pill will only provide you temporary help. If you choose not to change your eating habits, it is likely your weight will regain after having lost it.
FrenchWise helps you to change your eating habit until you are able to eat less without feeling hungry easily. If you eat less consistently, you will surely start to lose some weight. How much you will lose will depend on how much you reduce in food intake. It is advisable to reduce by 5-10% at the start and increase this proportion gradually until the desired weight is achieved.
How should I take FrenchWise?
FrenchWise can be taken directly followed by a glass of water to flush it down. It can also be mixed with low fat milk or soy drink. It should be stored in a cool place away from the sunlight. In summer, you may keep it in the fridge but ensure that temperature is not below 15 C.